My 2016 word is:
Ephesians 4:1, "I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, beg you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called..." This year the Lord is calling me to a deeper faithfulness.
A faithfulness that draws be out of myself to rely only on Him.
A faithfulness that calls me to be authentic in who I am.
A faithfulness that is worthy to be called a daughter of the King.
A faithfulness that says "Yes" to every opportunity that is presented.
A faithfulness that stays true to who I am, no matter where the road leads me.
A faithfulness that loves without reserve.
A faithfulness that embraces everyone that is put in my path, even those that challenge me.
A faithfulness that first cultivates those virtues inside myself, before giving and teaching them to others.
What I really want in 2016 is:
-To learn what it means to love authentically and without reserve
-To learn what it means to love authentically and without reserve
-To run after what I want and fight for it
-To read a motivational book once a month
-To continue searching for that mentor that will challenge me and call me onto greatness
What I really need in 2016 is:
What I really need in 2016 is:
-To challenge myself academically
-Pursue a deeper relationship with our Lord, through our Lady
-Cultivate authentic friendships, and grow the ones I have
What I will share in 2016 is:
-The blessings and testimony the Lord has given me
-My time with others
-My gifts and talents
In 2016 I will succeed at:
In 2016 I will succeed at:
-Being more diligent in my monthly goals
-Being more deliberate in my time
-Taking on more leadership opportunities
2015, its been a pleasure. 2016, I can't wait to see what joys, struggles, pain, memories, and friends you bring.