
| The blog |
Graciela was curated by Grace in 2014 to inspire a tribe of passionate, holy & authentic feminine genius's who want to change & challenge the world together. It is a place where she can share what she has learned as a Catholic woman millennial living in today's culture. Her desire is to encourage young women to find their feminine purpose and unique voice in this world. The possibilities are endless, and Grace aspires to inspire ladies out there to glam up, goal up, and never give up! In her small attempt to make a difference through this blog, she hopes to write to young women millennials on how to discover the gift of their femininity in all aspects of life, from  
fashion & faith, to entrepreneurship.

"my goal with every post is to inspire women to find the authentic feminine genius all areas of her life."
-Grace Hincapie, @gracehincapie

| The girl |
Grace is a 21-year-old - noncollege degree-seeking girl from the beautiful rainy Pacific NW. Grace is passionate about young women truly discovering who they were created to be, and she hopes that this blog can be a place that will inspire & compel every young woman on their journey in discovering their feminine genius. From faith, fashion, life & the occasional entrepreneurial post, Grace hopes to share a little something for everyone.
Grace is also in the beginning stages of becoming a freelance writer for various Catholic platforms, including those that cater to young Catholic women. And who knows, maybe the Lord will start leading her into the speaking world ;) He's full of surprises.
Let's make this a little online women's small group! So grab a cup of coffee & let's share life!

| FAQ |
I want to start a blog, any tips?
Write about something that you are passionate about. Be authentic. Be consistent. Be confident. Have fun.  

Are you in college? 
I spent a year at a college in the Midwest, before deciding to take the road less traveled and focus on pursuing my true life goals & dreams NOW instead of pursuing anymore higher education. 

Dream career?
 Something that changes life and lets me pursue all my dreams. Future goals include starting my own clothing line, writing a book, become a speaker, and begin a mentoring program for young girls. The possibilities are endless.

Why did you name Graciela?
I am part Latino and my name is Grace, so Graciela is a Spanish variation of my name. Simple, but I like the feminine + elegant sound it has.

Are you Christian?
Yes, I was raised Roman Catholic and my faith plays an integral part in my life.

I'd love to get to know you & answer any questions! Send me a note & I'll get back soon as possible!


  1. Hi, Grace! Just wanted to let you know that, if you want, I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. :) God bless you!

  2. I like the part about the never-ending reading list! I'm definitely the same way!

  3. Wow Grace...I cannot even tell you how many things we have in common (random things, but there are many....

    Anyways, that's awesome that you're 17 and you're strong in your Catholic Faith at an early age. I'm 23 now (almost 24), but started really diving deeper into our faith probably when I was a sophomore in high school...and over the past 7-8 years of constantly reading catholic books, educating myself about our church and faith, and committing to become closer to God on a daily basis...I cannot even tell you how much I've grown and changed. God truly is amazing and don't ever stop chasing Him...He's worth every moment. Blessings!

    P.S. Let me know if you need any help and/or advice and/or guidance in anything college (or college admission) related! I still have my old personal statements etc etc

  4. Grace, this blog is amazing!
    I am also a young Catholic blogger, and it is good to know that I am not the only one!
    Keep up the awesome, beautiful work!
    Anna ~
