July 24, 2017

Importance Of A Morning Routine

The way you spend your morning sets the tone for your day. How you spend your mornings makes a big impact on your mood and stress levels. I have come to learn that the mornings I wake up and just sort of wing it, or the mornings when I get out of bed and hop right onto social media, are days when productivity is definitely lacking. I don't have a winning routine that giving it to you, you will accomplish everything, but I can say that having a routine does put the ball in your court, and plainly put, sets you up for success.
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Here are three reasons I have come to learn, why morning routines are important. 
1. sets intentions.
2. boosts your creativity.
3. increases energy.
3. increases productivity.

I honestly am still working out little details in how I spend my first hours of the day, but no matter if I have to switch around my routine because of unplanned morning obligations, etc, I  have set things that I will do, even if I only have a few minutes to fit it in.
Like anything in life, your routine will be based on your personality. For example, when it comes to how I structure my morning, I am more practical and action based which means I like structure, but everyone once in a while like to change it up. I say this so you don't try to add something to your mornings that yes, might work for someone else, but does the opposite of productivity for you. This is a personal journey which you should have fun with.

I would recommend for everyone to build a routine and at least start out with two things you'll do daily. But I also would say, as you begin to research what other routines look like, find your reason. Why do you need a morning routine? What do you want to accomplish today? Every immediate action needs to have a long term goal with it. Having the end in mind makes it more personal which means you'll be more likely to stick with it. Are you wanting to add more discipline in your life. Do you what to eliminate social media from the first hour of your day. There are a ton of valid reasons, but which is yours. If you want to read more about the importance of a morning routine, I recommend The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

Here is a basic outline of my current A.M. routine, based on my current goals.

Read 10 pages of a business or personal development book. This is a huge part of my morning. Reading really helps to wake myself up, because I actually get inspired and motivated with new ideas for life, the blog, and my biz. If you want to know how to constantly stay inspired, you have to keep filling yourself up with inspiration and new ideas. You'll never grow or develop without it. So after reading, my brain is pretty much non-stop for the whole day. Also, I thought I would mention that before I start reading, I'll grab a hot cup of lemon water or green tea (because apparently green tea has incredible health benefits).

Spend 5-10 minutes on affirmations. Negativity is easy to find in this world. But if you want to make a change in your life, you first have to start with your thought process. You have to reprogram the way you think. What are you telling yourself daily. Negative self-talk can be a roadblock to doing your best, pursuing your dreams, and enjoying life. Positive self-talk (affirmations) are a great way to infuse motivation and positivity in all areas of your life. To just give you an idea of using affirmations, I use affirmations for my fitness journey. I have a few short phrases written out as well as listing things that I will be able to accomplish by living a healthy lifestyle.

Affirmation: "I feel confident and beautiful when I live a healthy lifestyle"
Result: "I will have enough energy to enthusiastically get through the day." 

Listen to a short podcast in the personal development department. It's one thing to read about success principles, it's a whole either deal listening to top performers who make it feel like they are talking with you and and cheering you on. My 3-10 minute go-to podcasts are Unleash Your Greatness Within by TJ Hoisington and The Marie Forleo Podcast.

Look over your bucket list/dreams list. Creating the habit to look your dreams and goals in the face daily is the smallest most powerful decision you could make. Get your subconscious thinking about them. Before you know it, opportunities will arise, actions will be taken, and they'll be coming true.

Devotions. One of the things I try and share on this blog is that of being a girlboss in all aspects of your life. Meaning striving to be your best in everything and keeping a balance. For me this means having a portion of my A.M. dedicated to God. I am always switching up how I spend my devotional time, but the one I often go back to is She Reads Truth app. They have so many plans to choose from that include scripture and a reflection. I also like to read a few pages of a religious book. I am currently reading Lioness Arising by Lisa Bevere.

Gratitude. I have been using the 5 minute journal app. GAME CHANGER! It has you list three things you are grateful for, what will you do to make today great, and then it will have you list a daily affirmation. It also has a night portion to it, but this is a AM routine so I'll save that for a different post. Most of the time we talk, think, and focus on things not going right in life and what we don't have. How often do we stop and celebrate what we do have! When you incorporate gratitude in your day, you'll eventually begin to realize you have a lot to be thankful for. I am still working to incorporate this into my daily life, and this app makes it so easy.

Exercise. I've learned that to create an attitude of discipline and success, physical activity is a huge factor in achieving that. Getting it done in the morning creates energy and a feeling of accomplishment!

It's those small daily habits that will lead to big wins.

What is your "must" in a morning routine? What does your routine look like? 


  1. I love starting my day off on such a positive note! It changes the course of my whole day!


    1. Yes Nicholle, it totally shifts my mindset for the day!!!

  2. I love the idea of doing affirmations in the morning! You have to believe it to live it.

    1. Often the reasons we aren't achieving our goals is because our mindset and what we tell ourself.

  3. I've been trying to perfect my weekday morning routine before work. You give some great suggestions here girl! Love the idea of listening to a short podcast.

    xoxo A

    1. Creating a routine for the weekend is just as important as it is for the weekday. Your brain doesn't know the difference between a Saturday morning and Monday morning, other then what we tell it.

  4. I'm actually working on a pretty similar post! I'm so glad to see others that know the importance of routines, especially in the morning! I'm still working on getting my routine items all done in the morning because I tend to do them randomly throughout the day, even though I know I want to do them in the morning. I need to check out that journaling app!

    1. I will definitely keep an eye out for your routine post. Yes, the journal app is the perfect addition to any AM & PM routine. :) thanks for the read.

  5. I've been so bad at having a set routine now that I've graduated college. I need to get back on that!!
    Amy | Pastel N Pink

    1. Oh gir, l I totally get it. After coming back home from college it took me a while to figure out the AM routine that would produce the most productivity.

  6. I couldn't agree with this any more!! I totally think a morning routine is important <3

  7. couldn't agree more! it really makes such a difference in my mood and productivity when i start things off how i want to versus rushing around for others!

    1. COMPLETELY! Amazing how those small little habits can make such a huge impact on life.

  8. Morning routines are so necessary for me! They get me through the day and keep me productive!

    1. Same! This type A personality needs to get my mind quite and set for the day! xo

  9. I agree so much! My morning routine is so important for me and the wellbeing of my day!

    1. If anyone is looking to create more success in life it starts in the first hours of waking. Would love to see your A.M. routine Candice! xo

  10. I think I could try to work these things into my life during the summer, but when the school year Stars I alwayssss slack off before work. I need to be better about doing a devotional every morning, and I love the idea of a gratitude journal! These are all such good ideas to incorporate into a routine!

    1. I would recommend picking one thing that you'll try for a week and then maybe every other week add a new thing into your morning until it's the perfect routine for you. That way by adding one task at a time, you won't get overwhelmed & defeated. Do what works for your lifestyle. xo

  11. I have to admit, as a teacher who has the summer off...I haven't had much of a morning routine but you can definitely tell that I'm paying for it because my sleep hasn't been as good, etc. I'm going to try to turn that around this week by getting up at a consistent time & taking some cues for you for what to do when I first wake :)

    xoxo, SS

    1. Totally get it. Now would be a great time to get back into a routine to prep yourself for a new school year. It takes an average 21 days to form a habit. xo

  12. Im bad at trying to keep up with a morning routine but I think that they seriously benefit and are great for you!

    1. Agree. It's my holy grail girlboss habit. If you have busy A.M. then start by adding a business/self development podcasts to your getting ready routine or work commute. xo

  13. Huge fan of morning routines! I always like to listen to podcasts during mine just because I feel like they make me happier & motivate me better than music can!

    1. love to get pumped up with a couple songs and then turn on a podcast! Any favs you recommend? xo

  14. Having a routine is so important to jumpstart the day- love how positive your routine is.

    1. I am still totally learning how to incorporate more positivity and gratefulness into my day. I've learned that you just have to start somewhere, even if it's not pretty at first. xo

  15. I'm trying really hard to get into a better routine at home. I have a pretty set morning routine at work, and it helps me start my day off on the right foot and in the right mindset. I loved learning more about your routine :)

    XO, SS || Seersucker Sass

    1. Start small and work your way up. Maybe start your morning with a cup of hot lemon water, tea, or coffee. Journal for 5-10 minutes. Add something to your A.M. till you achieve your perfect morning, but at the same time it doesn't get overwhelming. xo

  16. This is something I've struggled on and off with my whole life. I finally realized I don't have to make a morning routine that I stick with for the rest of my life! Once I realized I could adapt and change it I started to be a lot more productive!

    1. YES! It will change and develop as you grow and your goals change. It actually shouldn't be the same for to long if you got dreams and goals. xo

  17. My day is so much more productive when I have a set morning routine. Makes all the difference!

    Greta |

    1. Mornings are precious times that really make everyday people into future high achievers. xo

  18. I'm so bad at getting into routines!! But I'm trying to be better at it now that I don't have too many responsibilities!

    The Classic Brunette

    1. Start today and give yourself 21 days before school year craziness starts up. Create a routine around 2 things. Do those 2 things consistently for 21 days (even on weekends)Creating a habit in the slower season will make it become a MUST in the busy season. let me know how it goes! xo
