October 30, 2017

20 Habits To Adopt In Your Twenties

No matter where you are in life or your career it's never too late to start implementing habits of success. You also don't have to wait for January 1st to make a lifestyle change. Start with where you are and the tools you have right now. Today I wanted to share some lifestyle adjustments that will positively affect your personal and professional life. Now, just because I am sharing 20 habits that doesn't mean you need to start out with all 20. I actually hope you don't use them all at once but would rather take 2-4 habits and start implementing them for a month before adding more into your life.

1. Recite affirmations daily. 
Negativity is easy to find in this world. But if you want to make a change in your life, you first have to start with your thought process. You have to reprogram the way you think. What are you telling yourself daily. Negative self-talk can be a roadblock to doing your best, pursuing your dreams, and enjoying life. Repeat 3-5 positive affirmations in the mirror every day. This will dramatically start improving your relationship with yourself.

2. Develop a morning routine. 
It's important to fill your cup before you can fill anyone else’s . The first couple hours of the day are crucial to the success of your day. Use this time for devotions, reading, and exercise.

3. Make your bed. 
By accomplishing the first task of the day successfully it will make you want to continue accomplishing your tasks throughout the day. Check out this inspiring commencement speech by Navy Admiral McRaven on how you can change the world by making your bed.

4. Commit to reading one book a month. 
If you want to know how to constantly stay inspired, you have to keep filling yourself up with inspiration and new ideas. High achievers don’t just read anything. They are highly selective about what they read, opting to be educated over being entertained. Instead of filling their reading time with magazines and the hottest fictional novel, they often choose biographies and autobiographies of other successful people for guidance and inspiration. Oprah has called reading "her personal path to freedom."

5. Develop SMART action plans for your goals. 
Setting SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely) is the number one secret to measuring your progress and tracking activity so you are accomplishing your goals. Entrepreneur magazine advises, “Break your plan down into baby steps and attach a realistic deadline to each step. Determine how to measure your progress; these measurements will be your reality check. Then, define your investment. How much will each step cost, in terms of dollars, time, research and energy? What resources can you draw from and what additional resources will you need to acquire?”

6. Practice gratitude. 

Gratitude is about being aware of all that is around you, good and bad. When you start practicing authentic gratitude then you can start to fully live out success in it's intended meaning and you can begin to live your life to the fullest.

7. Network with people outside your industry.
Making connections in other industries broadens your horizons and exposes you to potential clients and referrals. Never underestimate the power of referrals and the power that comes from authentic networking. Your goal should be to have a contact in almost all fields and industries.

8. Celebrate milestones. 
No matter how big or small, you need to celebrate all your wins. Whether that's calling up a friend to tell them the good news or going out to dinner, it's all important. You should never be embarrassed to share your joy and progress. Bring others in and make them apart of your journey, by doing this you might inspire them to go after their own dreams.

9. Identify your personal and/or professional role model and reach out to them.

Most successful people at some point in their life have had a mentor. According to Forbes, this is because they’re inspiring in the right ways, they can walk you through the right doors, and they can become a legitimate source of anxiety relief. They also know what it takes to succeed in your field. Identify who is your role model personally and professionally and reach out to them. LinkedIn is a great resource to start reaching out to potential mentors. Whether it's someone who has the job you hope to one day hold or just someone who inspires you, send them a LinkedIn message telling them how they have inspired you and ask for some advice. Once you’ve cultivated enough of a dialogue, ask if they would consider being your mentor. The worst they can say is no - and that just means maybe you weren't suppose to learn from them at this moment in time. But you will never know unless you reach out.

10. Create and regularly update your bucket list and vision board.
The greatest habit you could adopt is that of vision/dream boards. It helps you to visualize your dream life and all that you hope to achieve. Keep yours close to were you can see it daily, whether that's in your office, above your bed, bathroom mirror, or fridge.

11. Always be learning. 
There's always someone to learn from or something new to learn. If you are the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.

12. Take time for yourself. 
Burn out can happen so it's important that you block out time to breathe and refuel. Use this time to work on some of your hobbies. Maybe cooking, photography or just a good Netflix night. Know what's your go-to refueling activity.

13. Practice accepting compliments with "Thank You."
It's so much healthier for all parties involved if you learn to accept compliments with a simple "thank you" instead of a negative "What are you talking about! I have no makeup on!" This will improve your own self-esteem and it will make those giving the compliments feel as though their feelings were validated and recognized.

14. Eliminate toxic influences. 
THIS. IS. SO. IMPORTANT. TO. LEARN. Whether it's online or in real life, you need to do what you have to in order to keep a life of positivity. Value your emotional and mental health by cutting ties with those relationships/friendships who find joy in being a negative force, bringing you down or being unnecessarily dramatic.

15. Establish a skincare routine. 
You only get one body and pair skin, so keeping it healthy and glowing should be of highest priority. That means taking makeup off at night, wearing sunscreen all year around, and using a serum. Negotiating is not an option when it comes to skincare.

16. Figure out your style sense.
Do you feel most confident wearing classic black. Maybe you are more of a pattern and print type girl. Your twenties is an ideal time to figure out what you like to wear as well as what compliments you and your figure.

17. Stay hydrated.
Create the habit of always keeping a water bottle by your side. Also, start drinking a glass before every meal. Adding some lemon juice is always a refreshing taste and makes drinking water just a little more fun. I guess a cute water bottle also helps ;)

18. Turn off phone notifications.
Game changer to your productivity!!! I have recently decided to turn off ALL notification on my phone, excluding my text's and phone calls. I have found myself way more productive because I don't have the urge to constantly be checking the screen to read the notifications rolling in.

19. Become a person of edification. 
Our society seems to feed negativity and competition all around us whether that be in real life or on social media. In a world that seems to be obsessed with all things fake and filtered, you will become the light to many women by bringing edification to every conversation and relationship. This small act has the ability to transform lives. From personal experience, women don't know how to compliment and uplift other women without jealousy overriding their good act. Mastering the art of edification can change lives because deep down, everyone craves permission to thrive and everyone craves recognition...especially from other women.

20. Practice self love & care.
You can't give what you don't have. I think this rings true when it comes to self-love. How do you expect anyone to believe what you say if you first don't believe it yourself. You are the most important person in your life, so self-love should be the most important love of your life. Lifehack says it best: “It’s not about being self-absorbed or narcissistic, it’s about getting in touch with ourselves, our well-being and our happiness. We practice self-love so we can push through our limiting beliefs and live a life that truly shines.”


  1. GIRL! I love this post so much, seriously made me so happy just reading it! I am going to bookmark this so I can read it over and over again, also sending this to some friends :) Thanks so much for sharing!

    Lauren Lindmark |

  2. Love these tips!! Definitely going to work on these. SMART goals are especially my favorite.

  3. Love this list! I always make my bed - it's something I've been doing since I was a kid. I also firmly believe in cutting out toxic/negative influences in your life. I think that's so important.

  4. Girl, these are such great tips! Finding professional mentor/connects and devoting yourself to read a book per month are major goals of mine! I would love to read more and finally work on my reading list.

    -xo, Azanique |

  5. All great tips! Couldn’t agree more with having a gratitude filled mind!

  6. I love the make your bed tip! Such an easy thing to do that always starts the day off right!

  7. What a great post! I love your list and it’s never to late to adopt new ones. You have given me a few new ideas.

  8. I live for SMART goals. They help me to track and monitor my goals.

  9. This is a GREAT list. I am dedicating the next year to figuring out nightly/morning routines that I can stick to and leave me energized and refreshed / get me out of the bed in the morning.

  10. I absolutely love this list! So important to start healthy habits as you enter adulthood.

    Tori || Victori Media

  11. So much yes to all of this! You are wise beyond your years :)

    Affirmations are seriously what get me through my day. I try to come up with a mantra each morning that suits my day, and repeat it to myself whenever I'm faced with something that I would rather not be dealing with.

    Also, I have been telling myself I'm going to create a vision board for the past year. Thank you for the reminder to get on it!

    XO, SS || Seersucker Sass

  12. I love this post so much I want to print it out and hang it up haha :D

    Some of this I have started practicing recentyl (i.e gratitude) and it has been life changing. So glad you compiled this list.
